You’ve done your research and you’ve made the decision that you’re going to go with custom furniture makers to create the perfect new piece for your home. Congratulations! You are in for a truly rewarding experience that will result in you getting the exact piece you want—one that will have a fantastic story to go with it and that will last for the ages.
Now you have to figure out which custom furniture makers you want to work with because there are many to choose from, all over the country. As you are starting your search for the right craftsperson to do this project, there are a few things you might want to consider.
Supporting Your Local Economy
A local search is a great place to start. You would probably be surprised how many independent craftspeople of all different trades are working in your immediate area. By choosing custom furniture makers in your city or town, you’ll be supporting a local business owner, which means that those dollars are most likely going to be invested right back into your own community.
By shopping at small businesses in your area, you may not even realize the greater economic impact you can have. As small businesses grow, they often create more jobs, and a small business owner would almost always prefer to hire people nearby. As those who are hired gain years of experience, they pour more money back into other businesses in the area. It’s a perpetual cycle that will only serve to life your community up.
The other impact you may not realize you can have by supporting local businesses is decision-making power. Many of the political decisions that will truly affect you happen at the local level. Local business owners have bigger voices than lone individuals and can propose and support policies that improve the neighborhood. This is more of a tangential benefit to buying local, but it shouldn’t be discounted!
Your Personal Style and Aesthetic
If you are set on working with custom furniture makers, then you probably have a good idea of what you want your custom piece to look like in the end. This can help you narrow down which artisan you want to work with because certain ones specialize in certain styles or materials.
This is where you might want to consider expanding your search beyond your city or town. There are some craftspeople out there, like these custom furniture makers serving Murrieta, California, who have the ability to work in any style and who will help you choose the perfect material to suit your aesthetic. And while they are a small business, they work nationwide and can help you, no matter where you’re located.
There are other custom furniture makers who only use naturally fallen wood from their specific area. If that’s the aesthetic you want, then you should seek that type of craftsperson. Others specialize in certain styles, whether that’s Craftsman, Mid-Century Modern, Victorian, or any other style of furniture you might like.
Who You Can Build a Good Working Relationship With
One of the huge benefits of working with custom furniture makers is that the process is a collaboration. Most artisans want their clients heavily involved in the design process, and many even send progress photos and solicit feedback along the way. The whole purpose is to create a piece the client loves, so it makes sense that they would want the client involved!
You may also have questions throughout the process, especially if you’re working with custom furniture makers for the first time. You may wonder about timelines and payment, or you may see something out in the world that inspires you to tweak the design you originally started with.
Because you need to be in close communication until your piece is done (and after, to share your joy at what are hopefully exceeded expectations), you want to work with someone with whom you can build a good relationship. You want communication to feel comfortable and natural so that you don’t hesitate to reach out when you need to.
Keep this in mind as you meet with different custom furniture makers. Your consultation is obviously a time to talk about your ideas for your furniture piece, but it is also an interview. If you meet two artisans who check all the boxes in terms of design style and materials, but you have a much better rapport with one over the other, then choose that person. Personality certainly isn’t everything, but a strong relationship and compatible communication style will enhance your experience and might help you get a better outcome.
There are many custom furniture makers to choose from in the United States (and around the world), but based on your location and the type of piece you want to create, you should be able to narrow your choices down to find the right custom furniture maker for the job.
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